Introducing Shaz Harrison-Williams long time friend and collaborator.
Shaz is a renowned stallholder at the famous Salamanca Market in Hobart where she sells her highly celebrated fold up Sun hats and knitted headwear.
The sun hats are styled on an original Australian design from the 1920’s and constructed using many different fabrics including my hand printed pieces.
Shaz and I have collaborated for exhibition work for the past decade. Our 4th major Exhibition “Left Overs” will be shown at 146 Artspace (Hobart) in September 2011.
If you would like more information regarding Shaz and her creations contact me and I can provide details.
News Update: Leftovers Opens!
October 2011
Installing The Show
Shaz and my 4th major collaboration “Leftovers”has opened at 146 ArtSpace Hobart. The Exhibition runs until November 18th so if you are in that part of the world do take a look. We not only utilise the gallery space but have 7 local businesses (the Shops on The Block) who have joined in and given us window or shopspace to show works.
We had a party style first night with the lucky door prize winner opening the show.
A fun night and thanks again to all the people, businesses, family and friends who contributed.
If you would like more info on the show go to
and click on 2011 gallery program.
August 2011 : News Update
Please check out my product page, as promised the cushions have arrived !
In a range of sizes, colours and designs they are sure to brighten up living spaces.
Not being a sewer I have enlisted the help of another creative friend Ailsa who is producing the cushions for me.
Ailsa has recently started her own business Ailsa Brady Frocks producing
lovely dresses in fabulous fabrics and suggestive of the fifties era.
If you would like more information about Ailsa and her creations please contact me.
Aside from designing textiles for interiors my arts practice also involves working on Pattern based projects for exhibition.
One of these projects, a wall button instillation “Satellite City” is about to be shown at Craft Victoria as part of a CRAFT CUBED their annual festival of experimental, skilled and ideas based craft and design.
The festival runs from the 5th August - 3rd September 2011.
For more information and full program see
Finally the dates for Shaz and my 4th Exhibition “LeftOvers” have changed.
The Show will now open Thursday 20th Oct and run until Friday the 18th November 2011.
Kathryn Windfeld-Petersen,
Aussie-Tartan Kilt Constructor
News Update: July 2012
I currently have some work in an Exhibition that is on at the Wangaratta Art Gallery.
The show “Petite” is a project focusing on textiles with a maximum size of 30cms.
My piece “Sample Swatches” shows off some new designs I’ve been working on that
are based on the seaweed commonly known as Neptunes Necklace.
The exhibition runs until July 22nd so if you are in the area...............
You can now also find a selection of my printed designs for sale in the MONA shop.
If you haven’t heard of MONA, it’s The Museum of Old and New Art.
A most amazing privately owned and operated gallery that is getting talked about world wide,
and which is a fantastic addition to the Tasmanian arts and cultural scene.
Penny's display at the MONA shop
At last
I’ve got my WORDY TEES up and running.
Printed at Inkpot Studios in Hobart on nicely styled organic cotton
T-shirts from AS Colour in Sydney, the 3 designs you see in the photo
are the first in a series of words, captions and sayings that I want to see on
peoples chests !
Wait for.....
• Bring Back The Mega Fauna
• The Luck Of The Irish
• I Thought I Cine The Thylacine ....... and more.
Meanwhile please go to the Product page for more info.
I am part of a group show coming up at 146 ArtSpace, opening on August 9th.
The show Prototype is a new exhibition from DOT (Designed Objects Tasmania) that looks towards facilitating collaborations between the manufacturing and design sectors.
Show opens 6pm Thursday 9th August so if you are in the vicinity do come and join us. For more details go to (arts Tas website)
July 2013
Things are settling down at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery after the opening of Stage One of a major redevelopment that kept everyone extremely engaged and working overtime.
So following this very busy period in my job it’s high time for a website news update!
Firstly a gallery shot of my work from the Prototype Exhibition held at 146 ArtSpace, mentioned in the last Newsflash.
Bush Garland hand knotted woollen rug ,1700 x 2150mm and BIG Pouffes,
silk screened hemp, vinyl and flock 600 x 600mm, height variable.
Tasmania’s Biennial Arts Festival 10 Days on the Island was on in March this year.
10 days is an International Arts Festival that celebrates island culture both within Tasmania and beyond our shores.
I was involved in 3 different activities included in the festival.
I was selected as a finalist in the Burnie Print Prize.
I took part in a group show of DOT members Objects in Place held at the Mawson Pavilion.
And I was one of a group of designers commissioned to make work for ThinkTent a project curated by Natasha Cica, Director of the Inglis Clark Centre for Civil Society UTAS
Penny's Burnie Print Prize entry (detail)
Pattern 4 Neptunes Necklace.
Hand stencil printed pigment ink
on linen 90 x 125cms
Objects in Place
Hand stencil printed pigment ink on linen/cotton. Holland Blind and Hanging Light Pendant.
ThinkTent - Design sample for floor cushions.
You can read more about these
events by going to
Meanwhile in the studio aside from printing I am undertaking animation lessons.
This is a new development in my practice where I am looking at extending my pattern designs and literally giving them movement.
I also have a new project in the pipeline … Cool Bag, Really Cool Bag, Seriously Cool Bag. Yes it’s a bag that borrows from the supermarket fridge bag which I use constantly and think is the near perfect shape and size for carrying just about anything and everything a person might need.
Watch this space for the results of these new activities!
News Update November 2016
News Flash - New Product
I have just released the first in a series of Tea Towels with patterns based on local flora.
Design One: Sheoak – Casuarina, is commercially printed at Inkpot Studios on 100% linen and available in two colour combinations, Burgundy and Blue, and Orange and Green.
You can purchase at Henry Jones Design, Hunter Street Hobart, or through my Gallery page.
July 2016
Well I can’t believe it’s been so long since I did a news update.
You will have noticed I hope that I have updated my website somewhat. I’ve kept the format as I think it’s a good one, pleasant to look at and easy to navigate.
I’ve replaced my products page with a gallery.
All the Exhibits you will find there are priced and please do contact me if you wish to make a purchase.
I’ve kept my old news archive and it makes quite interesting reading especially if you are unfamiliar with my work. (just keep scrolling down)
I mentioned doing some animation lessons and the “Cool Bag” project in the last update. The Cool Bags have only got as far as a prototype that I exhibited in a group show at MAC (Moonah Art Centre) and my animations have been lying dormant for a while now, but I plan to get back to them at some point.
In amongst all this I have changed jobs and moved house and studio after 16 years in the one space.
After all this upheaval I think I’m ready to settle back into some new creativity!
News Update June 2017
Since the last news update,
I held a Studio Sale in December 2016 that saw lots of visitors to my current studio space, which also doubles up as my lounge room.
I assured all that my next sale day will be held in the purpose built studio in my backyard and the good news is that building is about to commence.
Fellow Tasmanian artist Mary Scott and I collaborated for an Exhibition curated by Noel Frankham that featured in the recent Ten Days on The Island Arts Festival.
The Show titled Jane Elizabeth and concerned with gossip and scandal in Colonial times was held at the National Trust home Oak Lodge in Richmond Tasmania.
The exhibition was a resounding success and we are really pleased with the news that the Coal River Valley Historical Society who manage the property are going to retain some of the work for permanent display.
I recently became a member of Designed Made Inc, a local group of artists and designers.
We have a group show “In House” opening at MAC (Moonah Art Centre) on Thursday 29th June so if you are in the area do come along and join us in celebrating new work including my piece “It’s Curtains For You!”
Finally look out for my new linen and cotton hand printed Sun Hats coming soon to the Gallery page and available by contacting me through the website.
News Update June 2019
Moved into my fabulous purpose built back yard studio in June last year.
Check out pics during construction and of the current interior workspace.
The studio is light cosy and warm.
I feel very privileged to have such a great space and of course I now have my lounge room back too.
Over the last year I have been learning to sew with good friends Shaz, Ailsa and Helen all helping me with lessons, advice and encouragement.
I am concentrating on sewing a range of bags using my hand and commercially printed fabric.
I call them Dilly Bags with some specifically made for exhibition and others adding to the stockpile for this year’s Design Market.
Design Made Inc the local group I belong to continues to flourish.
We held another successful group show “Penumbra” at the Rosny Barn Gallery in May 2018 and we continue our annual Design Market at the Hobart Town Hall the first weekend of December.
This year’s dates are the 6th, 7th and 8th of December.
We open on the Friday evening 5 - 9pm and then on the Saturday and Sunday 9am – 4pm.
We are also in the process of finalising dates and venues for our next group exhibition “Design by Making” which celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus. The show will feature works that are no bigger than 20 x 20 x 20 centimetres.
My hand printed sun hats are proving popular and I will have a new batch ready for the December Design Market.
II have also decided to open my studio and offer workshops where you can learn my method of printing and create your own printed designs. The first workshop was held last week and was enjoyed by all participants.
Keep an eye on my Instagram account for workshop details or contact me through the website if you are interested in participating or would like more information.